The Pittsburgh Citywide Outreach Team

Outreach Training Available

The Call

The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few...

Our ministry mandate to "win the lost at any cost". A simple offer of "Can I pray for you" will cause drivers to pull over to the curb and received the power Jesus promised us in Matthew 18 "if we touch and agree". Some of those we will touch will be in the "church" but need something from the Lord that can’t wait until Sunday morning. Others will not or do not attend church presently but needed the Lord, now! Our goal is to draw them into the body of Christ and to invite them to attend church.

If we desire to do what Jesus did, we must do what Jesus did: watch, pray, labor before God and most importantly, left the "temple" and He made himself accessible to the lost, lame and the blind. He went out among the people. Most of His signs and wonders occurred outside of the church. Join us as we continue to do the “Great Commission” Jesus Christ gave to us in Matthew 28:19-20.

Will YOU accept the assignment? We are all called to Evangelism; join us at the training sessions.

The training sessions are designed for the perfecting of the saints (workers), for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ Ephesians 4:12) and will answer questions such as:

How do I approach a group of people: men, women, (young & old), drug dealers, drug addicts & alcoholics, prostitutes, homeless, middle-class, rich, poor, business men, women and youth?

How do I witness to the various populations?

How do I pray for the people I witness to?

How do I handle angry or rude individuals?

What do I do if I'm rejected?

Witnessing Do’s and Don’t

To join our team or train for your own church or ministry...

Contact: Evangelist Laurice Vance-Carr @ 716-444-6351
